Vol. 27, issue 01, article # 3

Zhukov V. A., Desyatkov B. M., Lapteva N. A. A new statistical method for assessment of adequacy of models of admixture distribution in the boundary air layer. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 01. P. [in Russian].
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An important stage of creating mathematical models of aerosol distribution in the boundary air layer is to check their validity using the data of experimental measurements. However, the impossibility of repeating the experiments under the invariable weather conditions (with the resulting small sample size of the measurements) does not allow one to estimate model adequacy correctly.
A new method of the assessment of adequacy of mathematical models based on an integral transform is proposed in this work. The method can be used even when there are only one-time measurements of concentration, including those with various laws of distribution at each point of space. It is quite possible to combine these separate experiments made under various weather conditions. The efficiency of the method is illustrated by an example.


boundary air layer, admixture distribution, mathematical model, adequacy, integral transform


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