Vol. 8, issue 09, article # 14

pdf Butov V. V., Loginov S. V. Reconstruction of the aerosol microphysical characteristics and ozone concentration from satellite observations of the Sun. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 09. P. 1366-1373.
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Technique is proposed for reconstructing stratospheric ozone concentration, as well as aerosol extinction coefficient and microphysical parameters, which is based on direct solar radiation attenuation measurements using Spectr-256 multichannel spectrometer onboard a satellite. Separation between ozone and aerosol optical thicknesses is accomplished with Angstrm approximation of spectral dependence of the aerosol extinction coefficient in 0.45–0.83 μm wavelength range, while the profile reconstruction employs Tikhonov method of generalized discrepancy. For assumed aerosol type and altitude profile of aerosol refractive index, particle size distribution function is calculated for each altitude, as well as aerosol particle mean radius and size distribution width.