Vol. 4, issue 11, article # 13

pdf Zemlyanov A. A., Martynko A. V. Divergence of a laser beam in a regular nonlinearly refractive medium. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1991. V. 4. No. 11. P. 834-838.
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Based on the technique of effective beam parameters are found the conditions of existence of the exact aberration solutions for the effective width, radius of phase front curvature, and limiting divergence. The effect of similarity of processes under the strong nonlinear distortions for different classes of a collimated beam self–action and mechanisms of nonlinear interaction are revealed. Regimes for formation of the limiting divergence in the primarily homogeneous and inhomogeneous nonlinear refractive media are studied. Relationships between the parameters of inhomogeneous path and the initial parameters of laser beams are determined for the case of weak nonlinear distortions.