Vol. 37, issue 10, article # 8

Zolotov S. Yu., Loginov A. S. Simulation of severe weather events in Western Siberia using the WRF atmospheric model. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 10. P. 861–867. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20241008 [in Russian].
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The intensity and frequency of events associated with severe weather phenomena are currently increasing in Western Siberia. The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) atmospheric model makes it possible to study such phenomena, in particular, for warning about their occurrence. This article defines a set of WRF parameterization schemes that provide a full-fledged analysis of the causes of occurrence and monitor the further development of severe weather events. This set of schemes ensures correct operation of the WRF model under conditions corresponding to severe weather events. The paper details two weather events with such severe phenomena as very strong wind, very heavy rainfall, prolonged heavy rain, and abnormally cold wave, which occurred in Western Siberia on April 29–30, 2019, and December 25–26, 2020.


severe weather event, regional simulation, parameterization of atmospheric processes, Western Siberia, weather station observations


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