Vol. 36, issue 09, article # 5

Pustovalov K. N., Kharyutkina E. V., Moraru E. I. Variability of the cloud base height over the territory of Western Siberia based on laser sounding data for the period 2010–2021. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2023. V. 36. No. 09. P. 733-741. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20230905 [in Russian].
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Changes in the base height of the lower layer cloudiness and cumulonimbus clouds over the territory of Western Siberia are analyzed based on laser data for the period 2010–2021. We established that, in general, there is a decrease in the base height of lower clouds and its increase for cumulonimbus clouds. An increase in the base height of lower cloudiness occurs from north to south. More meridional distribution is obtained for cumulonimbus clouds. The seasonal course of the lower cloudiness and cumulonimbus clouds base height in the south of the territory has a maximum in summer. Two maxima are observed in the center and in the north: for lower cloudiness in summer and spring and for cumulonimbus clouds in winter and summer. The results of the cluster analysis show a significant difference in the base height for cumulonimbus clouds (in comparison with lower cloudiness) at different stations, which is presumably due to differences in earth’s surface characteristics and station height above sea level, as well as regional features of atmospheric circulation and convective processes


cloud base height, lower cloudiness, cumulonimbus clouds, laser sounding data, Western Siberia


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