Vol. 33, issue 11, article # 9

Odintsov S. L., Gladkikh V. A., Kamardin A. P., Nevzorova I. V. Height of the zone of intense turbulent heat exchange in the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer. Part  2: Relation to the surface meteorological parameters. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2020. V. 33. No. 11. P. 880–889. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20201109 [in Russian].
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Part 2 of the paper analyzes the relation of the heights of the zone of intense turbulent heat exchange and the corresponding air temperature gradients to the surface values of the wind speed and the vertical turbulent heat flux. Only the cases of temperature inversions in winter (January–February 2020) are considered. The division of inversions into two types (surface and elevated) and four forms is introduced. The statistics of the height of the layer of intense turbulent heat exchange is obtained for various versions (types and forms) of temperature inversions. It is concluded from the analysis that under conditions of temperature inversions (in the winter period) there is no direct (well pronounced) relation between the height of the layer of intense turbulent heat exchange and the surface values of the wind speed and the turbulent heat flux.


temperature inversion, atmospheric boundary layer, surface layer, wind speed, sodar, temperature profilometer, turbulent heat exchange, sonic anemometer/thermometer


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