Vol. 33, issue 08, article # 6

Banakh V. A., Smalikho I. N., Falits A. V. Wind temperature probing in the atmospheric boundary layer in the coastal area of Lake Baikal. I. The Richardson number. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2020. V. 33. No. 08. P. 621-630. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20200806 [in Russian].
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The results of experimental studies of the atmospheric boundary layer in the coastal zone of Lake Baikal using a coherent Doppler wind lidar and a temperature profiler are presented. Temporal-altitude distributions of the wind speed, temperature, and the Richardson number are derived. It is found that in the measurement site during all the experiment from August 6 to 23, 2018, day and night the thermal stratification was stable with formation of low-level jets. The temporal-altitude distributions of the Richardson number have layered structure. Layers with Richardson numbers higher than the critical value alternate with layers with the Richardson number lower than the critical value.


atmospheric boundary layer, wind velocity, temperature, remote sensing, Richardson number, stable stratification


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