Vol. 33, issue 06, article # 12

Golovko V. V., Hlebus K. A., Belanova A. P. Estimation of sedimentation rates of single pollen grains and pollen clusters of anemophilic plants growing in CSBG SB RAS. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2020. V. 33. No. 06. P. 487–491. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20200612 [in Russian].
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Sedimentation of the pollen particulates of goat willow, bay willow, asian black birch, hoary plantain, white goosefoot, and sieversian wormwood is studied. It is shown that the dispersion of the pollen of these six species provides a considerable number of clusters of two or more grains, composing from 32.4 to 53.3% of the resulting particles. These clusters contain from 59.4 to 79.2% of the pollen dispersed. The sedimentation rate of the clusters, including from 1 to 6 pollen grains, is estimated. The dependence of the agglomerate sedimentation rate on the number of the pollen grains included is derived. The impossibility of formation of similar clusters on impactor substrates when spraying pollen is shown.


sedimentation rate, pollen grains, clusters, anemophilic plants, air impact


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