Vol. 33, issue 06, article # 1

Golobokova L. P., Khodzher T. V., Izosimova O. N., Zenkova P. N., Pochyufarov A. O., Khuriganova O. I., Onischuk N. A., Marinaite I. I., Pol'kin V. V., Radionov V. F., Sakerin S. M., Lisitsin A. P., Shevchenko V. P. Chemical composition of atmospheric aerosol in the Arctic region along the routes of the research cruises in 2018–2019. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2020. V. 33. No. 06. P. 421–429. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20200601 [in Russian].
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The chemical composition (ions, elements, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) of atmospheric aerosol in the North Atlantic, in the European and Russian parts of the Arctic Ocean and in the seas of the northern latitudes and the Far East was analyzed. The studies were carried out on board the research vessels along their cruise routes (RV “Akademik Treshnikov", RV “Akademik Mstislav Keldysh", RV “Professor Multanovsky"). The air was sampled using the methodology accepted by the international networks operating under the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) and European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP). The analysis of the chemical composition of the aerosol along the routes of the research cruises showed the following below. The total ion content and the concentrations of individual ions in the aerosol of the North Atlantic and in the European part of the Arctic Ocean correspond to the data that was obtained within the measurement work fulfilled in the Laptev and Kara Seas in 2018 and 2019. The increased values of the sum of PAHs in Russia's central regions in the Arctic correspond quite well to the increased concentrations of ions and trace elements in the content of the aerosol. Trace elements are noted to have different concentrations in the content of the aerosols of the North Atlantic and Russia's central regions of the Arctic. This fact can point at different sources of these components.


atmospheric aerosol, Arctic seas, North Atlantic, chemical composition


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