The results of the study of distribution of Tl-208, Pb-212, Ac-228, Pb-214, Bi-214, Th-234, Ra-226, Pb-210, Cs-137, Be-7, and K-40 isotopes in samples of atmospheric aerosol from the southern, central, and northern parts of Tajikistan are represented. Significant correlations are found between the concentrations of isotopes Cs-137 and Th-234 (0.95), Cs-137 and Ra-226 (0.95), Ra-226 and Bi-214 (0.84), Ac-228 and Ra-226 (0.75), Pb-210 and Pb-214 (0.69), Ac-228 and Pb-214 (0.64), K-40 and Pb-212 (0.71), Cs-137 and Bi-214 (0.78), and Th-234 and Pb-212 (0.67). Concentrations between the concentrations of other isotopes are insignificant or inverse. The statistics for dust intrusions indicates that the concentrations of isotopes K-40, Cs-137, and Bi-214 are hundreds of times higher than the background pollution level, and of the remaining isotopes, up to tens of times.
isotopes of uranium and thorium series, dust aerosol, soil, isotope composition
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