Vol. 30, issue 05, article # 9

Akulova O. B., Bukatyi V. I., Sutorikhin I. A. The effect of natural water components on spectral light attenuation (water bodies of Altai Krai as a case study. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 05. P. 414–419. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20170509 [in Russian].
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A semi-empirical model for the description of spectral contribution of main components of natural water, including pure water, chlorophyll, yellow substance, and organo-mineral suspension into spectral light attenuation at three wavelengths of 430, 550, and 670 nm is developed based on the data from field studies conducted at Altai Krai waterbodies, i.e., Lapa, Krasilovskoye, and Bolshoye Ostrovnoye lakes, in 2014–2016. The predictive capabilities of the developed model of integral spectral light attenuation in the multicomponent aqueous medium for solving problems of complex water and environmental monitoring and rational water management are estimated.


lakes, light attenuation coefficient, natural water, suspension, yellow substance, chlorophyll


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