Vol. 3, issue 11, article # 7

pdf Begkhanov M., Kurbanmuradov O., Lebedinets V. M. Optical characteristics of the dust trails of meteors. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1990. V. 3. No. 11. P. 1067-1075.
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An algorithm for describing the processes of coagulation in the trails of bright meteors and for calculating of the optical characteristics of the dust trails formed by these meteors is developed. The model of quasicontinuous fractionation of the meteor bodies in the atmosphere is assumed and the dependence of the coefficient of heat transfer on the mass of the body is taken into account. The initial spreading of the trail in the establishment of the thermal equilibrium with the atmosphere is treated as a linear explosion on the axis of the trail, and its consequent spreading is caused by turbulent diffusion. It is shown that the model of thermal coagulation unlike the model of Brownian coagulation is applicable to real meteor trails.


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