Vol. 3, issue 10, article # 1

pdf Mishin I. V. Three-dimensional models of solar-radiation transfer in the atmosphere. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1990. V. 3. No. 10. P. 925-938.
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The results of modeling of the interaction of solar radiation with the earth's atmosphere are discussed. The situation when the observer is located on the surface of the planet and the atmosphere is a Rayleigh atmosphere is studied. Representing the atmosphere as a secondary source of optical radiation, two parameters, with whose help the brightness distribution of the atmosphere in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum can be reliably described, are derived: the color temperature and a coefficient that characterizes the emissive properties of the atmosphere. Some properties of the angular distribution of these parameters in the plane of the solar meridian of the observer are analyzed. It is concluded that these parameters are useful for solving different problems in atmospheric optics.


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