Vol. 29, issue 04, article # 4

Arsen'yan T. I., Babanin E. A., Vokhnik O. M., Zotov A. M., Mardanov A. F., Sukhareva N. A. The mode convertion of the structurally stable vector beams propagating through free space optical channels. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2016. V. 29. No. 04. P. 276–284. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20160404 [in Russian].
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The processes of rearrangement of structurally stable beams having axial symmetry in the free space data transmitting optical channels are investigated experimentally. The invariants of the structure transformation of the beam as the spatial code bearer are discussed. The estimation of correlation and dispersion parameters of the optical density modulation processes were carried out. The possibility of multiple difference in these characteristics in different directions perpendicular to the beam axis is indicated.


structurally stable beams, mode converters, Ince–Gaussian beams, free space optical channel


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