Vol. 28, issue 12, article # 6

Zuev V. V., Zueva N. E., Saveljeva E. S., Bazhenov O. E., Nevzorov A. V. On the role of eruption of Merapi volcano in anomalous total ozone decrease over Tomsk in April, 2011. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 12. P. 1090–1094. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20151206 [in Russian].
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In April, 2011, at Northern Hemisphere midlatitudes, a long-term anomalous decrease of the total ozone content was recorded over a number of regions, attributed to echoes of large-scale Arctic ozone anomaly, observed in March. In this paper, we showed that stratospheric ozone destruction over Tomsk during that period was caused by eruption of Indonesian volcano Merapi in November 2010. NOAA HYSPLIT model was used to analyze the motion of air masses in the lower stratosphere on the way from coordinates of volcanic ejection from the moment of eruption until late April. It was found that air masses, containing volcanic aerosol, came to the Northern Hemisphere midlatitudes in late March 2011, in agreement with high aerosol content recorded in the stratosphere over Tomsk during that period. Based on analysis of temperature and ozone anomalies in the stratosphere over Tomsk, we showed that they manifested themselves by the volcanic soot present in aerosol composition.


eruption of Merapi volcano, volcanic soot aerosol, ozone anomalies


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