Vol. 28, issue 11, article # 3

Veretennikov V. V., Men'shchikova S. S. Modified algorithm of retrieval of aerosol microstructure from spectral extinction measurements based on a hybrid model. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 11. P. 966–971. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20151103 [in Russian].
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Special features of determining the aerosol microstructure from spectral measurements of the aerosol optical depth (AOD) caused by low information content of solution for large particles are considered. Such conditions are observed when sizes of aerosol particles are much larger than the measurement wavelength. We propose the AOD inversion algorithm based on a hybrid model of the aerosol microstructure. The model includes the description of the disperse aerosol composition in the informative range of particle sizes based on the integral distribution function supplemented with a parametric representation of the microstructure of large particles. The efficiency of the algorithm is studied by numerical simulation. Results of testing the algorithm for inversion of the field experiment data are shown; they demonstrate the feasibility of retrieving the microstructural parameters of the coarse aerosol fraction when the upper limit of the spectral range decreases from 4 to 1.56 mm.


aerosol optical depth, aerosol microstructure, inverse problem


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