Vol. 28, issue 07, article # 2

Vasilenko I. A., Naumenko O. V. Empirical absorption linelists of the HD18O and D218O molecules. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 07. P. 607-613. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20150702 [in Russian].
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Detailed and accurate absorption linelists are generated for the HD18O и D218O molecules in the 0–9400 cm–1 spectral range. These linelists, known as empirical lists, are based on the experimental energy levels available from the literature and ab initio transition intensities obtained through variational computations. Positions of empirical transitions are determined at a level of the best experimental accuracy, and even better in case of weak or blended lines. Averaged accuracy of calculated intensities is about 10%. Empirical lists of absorption lines of water isotopologues currently replace incomplete or low accuracy experimental data in the canonical databases like HITRAN.


empirical linelists, rotational-vibrational transitions of HD18O и D218O


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