Vol. 27, issue 08, article # 4

Banakh V. A., Sukharev A. A., Falits A. V. Manifestation of the aero-optic effects in the turbulent atmosphere for the case of supersonic motion of a conical body. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 08. P. 679-688 [in Russian].
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The results of analysis of the mean intensity, intensity fluctuations, and regular and random wandering of the optical beams, crossing a shock wave, arising in the vicinity of a conical body moving with supersonic speeds in a turbulent atmosphere are present. It is shown that with increase of the optical turbulence strength the aero-optic effects, caused by the shock wave, are suppressed. Quantitative data, illustrating manifestation of the aero-optiŅ effects on paths of different geometry and length depending on the turbulent conditions of propagation of light, are presented and discussed in the paper.


shock wave, mean intensity, turbulence, variance of intensity fluctuations


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