Vol. 27, issue 07, article # 10

Tarasenkov M. V., Belov V. V. Software package for reconstruction of reflective properties of the Earth surface in visible and UV ranges. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 07. P. 622-627 [in Russian].
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A software package for reconstruction of the distribution of the Earth surface reflection coefficient is described together with procedures developed to decrease considerably the computation time. On an example of a test region in the western coast of Africa, the results obtained by the suggested algorithm, algorithm of homogeneous correction, and standard MOD09 NASA algorithm are compared. The coefficient of correlation of the results obtained for the given test region using the new algorithm and the algorithm of homogeneous correction is 0.999; it is 0.984 for the given algorithm and the MOD09 algorithm.


Monte Carlo method, atmospheric correction, radiative transfer equation


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