Vol. 26, issue 09, article # 10

Marichev V. N. The analysis of the air density and temperature behaviour in the stratosphere above Tomsk in periods of perturbed and quiet states performed according to the results of lidar measurements. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 09. P. 783-792 [in Russian].
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The paper analyzes the influence of the winter stratospheric warming (SW) on the characteristics of the vertical distribution of temperature and density of the air in the middle atmosphere above Tomsk. The sudden SW in winters 2009/10, 2010/11, and 2011/12 and summers of 2010-2012 with a stable vertical temperature distribution were considered. It is shown that for disturbed conditions caused by the winter warming, the deviation of temperature and density of air from the mean values are in opposition and have expressed mirror symmetry with respect to zero. Their maximum amplitude occurs at 35 to 40 km and can reach +30% for the temperature and -30% for the density. Under quiet conditions in the summer months, the temperature deviation is in the main range -6÷+8%, and the density of the air, -8÷+15%.


stratosphere, stratospheric warming, air density, temperature, deviation, lidar


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