Vol. 25, issue 11, article # 3

Banakh V. A., Gerasimova L. A., Zaloznaya I. V., Tikhomirova O. V. Diffraction of broadband pulsed optical beams. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2012. V. 25. No. 11. P. 941-947 [in Russian].
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The intensity of broadband optical pulses propagating in the free space is calculated in the approximation of the envelope of narrowband signal and based on the complex analytic signal. It is shown that the narrowband-signal envelope approximation can be used to calculate the diffraction of pulsed optical beams regardless of the pulse duration and its coherence in space and time.


diffraction, intensity, broadband optical pulses, complex analytic signal, narrowband-signal envelope, partially coherent Gaussian beams