Vol. 23, issue 05, article # 14

Rakhimov R. F., Makienko E. V., Kozlov V. S. The influence of the wooden ring bark on optical-microphysical properties of the pyrolysis smokes. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2010. V. 23. No. 05. P. 412-418 [in Russian].
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Variability of optical-microphysical properties of the smokes of pyrolysis formed at thermal decomposition of some wooden samples (rindless birch, birch rind, larch rind) is studied. The results of solution of the inverse problem using the data of spectral nephelometric measurements have shown that the actively absorbing component of particles can be generated at comparatively low temperatures of pyrolysis. The strongly absorbing finely dispersed fraction of "soot" particles with the radius less than 200 nm is observed in the size spectrum of the pyrolysis smokes of the birch and larch rinds. The larger particles are weakly absorbing, however, the imaginary part of the refractive index increases at staying the smoke because of interaction with the "soot" component. The estimates have shown that there are no significant differences in absorption of smoke particles formed by birch and larch rinds. However, the finely dispersed fraction of "soot" particles is absent in the birch rind smoke, i.e. the particles in the entire size range have weak absorption.


complex refractive index, nephelometric measurements, smoke mixture, inverting methods, aerosol light scattering