Vol. 22, issue 05, article # 8

Matveev L. T., Matveev Yu. L., Nikolaeva E. Yu. Dynamic factors of Earth cloud formation. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 05. P. 465-470 [in Russian].
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It's developed a sufficiently general method of approach to clouds formation. In the base of it lies an equation of flux (balance) of warm and water vapor in turbulent atmosphere. It's obtained an equations of (water contain) cloud, which take into account not only vertical motions (define more exactly, up to sign, in comparison with generally), but also warm advection and turbulent exchange. Established dependences allows to understand (interpret) observed conditions of formation and development various forms of clouds.


field of clouds; dynamical factors; advection; turbulent exchange; cloud forms