Vol. 22, issue 05, article # 12

Ugolnikov O. S., Maslov I. A. Earth's atmosphere remote sensing based on observations of the lunar eclipses. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 05. P. 494-498 [in Russian].
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The paper contains the review of photometrical measurements of the lunar eclipses in 2004-2008 in the near infrared spectral range. The distributions of the lunar disk darkening in the Earth shadow are used for the retrieval of atmospheric aerosol and water vapor distributions in the upper troposphere along the Earth's limb. The typical properties of such distributions are noted for different latitude regions of the Earth. The relation between aerosol extinction and total ozone concentration is shown. The water vapor absorption data is used to calculate the vertical scale of the water vapor distribution in the atmosphere.


lunar eclipse; atmospheric aerosol; water vapor