Vol. 20, issue 04, article # 7

pdf Bukin O. A., Pavlov A. N., Saluk P. A., Kulchin Yu. N., Shmirko K. A., Stolyarchuk S. Yu., Bubnovskii A. Yu. Peculiarities of the aerosol vertical distribution during the passage of dust storms over the Peter the Great Bay in 2006 and their influence on phytoplankton communities in the Japan Sea. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2007. V. 20. No. 04. P. 306-312.
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We present results of the study of atmospheric aerosol structure and influence of aerosol on the activity of phytoplankton communities in different areas of Japan Sea during the most intense dust storms in Gobi dessert (from March to June, 2006). The joint analysis of lidar sounding and Aqua/MODIS data has revealed typical stratifications of the tropospheric aerosol during the dust storms. The results obtained agree with the theoretical computations. The altitude of aerosol localization is determined and the increase of chlorophyll "A" concentration is recorded due to aerosol matter export to the upper layer of the ocean over the areas under study.