Vol. 2, issue 10, article # 9

pdf Sukhorukov A. P., Titov V. N., Trofimov V. A. Codirectional four-wave interaction under conditions of strong energy transfer between the waves. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1989. V. 2. No. 10. P. 933-939.
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The process of codirectional four-wave interaction of hypergaussian and gaussian wave beams ander conditions of strong energy tranfer between the waves is studied numerically. It is shown that as the collinear interaction length increases owing to the self-action of the beams the mutual energy transfer has an oscillatory character (even for hypergaussian beams with m=10). The amplitude of the oscillations and their period are determined by the initial profile of the beams. Analogous dependences are realized for the figure of merit of wavefront reversal. The quality of reversal, especially for gaussian beams, is higher if the interaction of the waves occurs noncollinearly. The results obtained based on the fixed-field approximation and taking into account energy transfer between the pump waves are compared.


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