The results of complex investigations aimed at the creation of a laser-pumped high-efficient Ti3+:Al203 laser, generating simultaneously at several frequencies and tunable in the 080-960 nm spectrum range are presented. The selecting properties of the active elements themselves and the possibility of using them for polychromatic lasing have been investigated. Multifrequency generation with the spectrum component intervals ranging from 0,7 to 120 nm has been achieved. Several variants of an autonomous Cr3+:Nd3+:GSGG laser with the 70 mJ pulse energy at a repetition rate of 25 Hz have been developed to pump Ti3+ : Al203 converters.
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3. L.F. Johnson, H.S. Guddenheim, and R.A. Thomas, Phys. Rev., 149, No. 1, 179 (1986).
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