Vol. 19, issue 12, article # 8

pdf Grishin A. M., Sazanovich V. M., Strokatov A. A., Tsvyk R. Sh. Investigation of laser radiation propagation through a twisted high-temperature flame jet. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 12. P. 935-939.
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The intensity fluctuations and image jitter of a laser beam propagated through a twisted high-temperature flame jet, as well as fluctuations of the optical radiation emitted by the flame itself, are studied experimentally. Alcohol in an immovable vessel was used as a fuel. In some experiments, the vessel was filled with brass filings. The flame was twisted with a fan, installed over the vessel. The frequency spectra of fluctuations were determined as functions of the fan's speed of rotation.