Vol. 18, issue 05-06, article # 18

pdf Komarov V. S., Ilin S. N., Kreminskii A. V., Kadygrov E. N., Lavrinenko A. V., Lomakina N. Ya., Odintsov S. L., Popov Yu. B., Popova A. I., Fedorov V. A. Application of a dynamic-stochastic prediction method to forecasting the state parameters of the atmospheric boundary layer based on data of radiometric and sodar measurements. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2005. V. 18. No. 05-06. P. 432-434.
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The results obtained by application of the dynamic-stochastic method, based on the use of Kalman filtering algorithm and two-dimensional regression model, to the problem of ultra short-term forecast of temperature and wind in the atmospheric boundary layer from the data of radiometric and sodar measurements are discussed.