Vol. 16, issue 02, article # 17

pdf Popov Yu. B., Akselevich V. I., Kreminskii A. V., Kurushev V. V., Lavrinenko A. V., Lomakina N. Ya. Combined algorithm for spatiotemporal extrapolation of mesometeorological fields in problems of atmospheric-ecological monitoring of local territories . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2003. V. 16. No. 02. P. 163-170.
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An original technique and an algorithm for spatiotemporal extrapolation of mesometeorological fields based on the procedure of optimal combination of the modified Group Method of Data Handling and the Kalman filtering method are considered. The results of experimental study of the combined algorithm performance are discussed for the case of its application to the problem of spatial interpolation of the temperature and wind fields to a territory not covered by observations.