Vol. 13, issue 11, article # 6

pdf Bukin O. A., Permyakov M. S., Maior A. Yu., Pavlov A. N., Skorokhod G. V., Chekunkova V. V., Tsareva O. S., Tarkhova T. I. Relation between the parameters of laser-induced fluorescence of seawaters and the seawater type. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 11. P. 936-939.
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The fluorescence spectra of seawaters of different types were studied in some regions of the Pacific Ocean. It is shown that different bio-optical types of the seawaters can be separated based on the type of correlation between the integral characteristics of spectra of the laser-induced fluorescence of chlorophyll A and the organic matter dissolved in seawater.