Vol. 10, issue 10, article # 6

pdf Yakovlev A. A., Sakunov G. G., Barteneva O. D. Statistics of aerosol light scattering phase functions from measurements in the Central Arctic basin. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1997. V. 10. No. 10. P. 725-728.
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From the measurements of the light scattering phase functions in the ground layer of the atmosphere at the drifting station SP–28 the aerosol scattering phase functions are calculated and statistically analyzed. Mean values, variances, angular correlations, and fundamental components of the covariance matrices are calculated for logarithms of the angular aerosol scattering coefficients at angles from 0 to 180°. It is shown that the variance of the aerosol scattering phase functions is much greater than that of the total scattering phase functions, especially at scattering angles between 80 and 140°. Autocorrelations between the measured angular scattering coefficients exceed a level of 0.5 for all angles of scattering.