Vol. 10, issue 08, article # 3

pdf Kabanov D. M., Sakerin S. M. Some problems in determining optical thickness of the atmosphere due to extinction by aerosol in the near IR. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1997. V. 10. No. 08. P. 540-545.
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The technique for determining the aerosol optical thickness of the atmosphere from the data of the transmission measurements in the wavelength range from 0.4 to 4 μm has been analyzed. It is shown that the procedure usually used for taking into account (excluding) the gaseous absorption is incorrect and can lead to false results. The peculiarities are considered of taking into account the water vapor transmission function at its variable content, as well as the technique for calibrating the optical hygrometer on the basis of model spectroscopic data. We also discuss the errors in finding the aerosol component of the atmospheric transmission, and the results obtained in clear atmosphere over Atlantic ocean.